How To Find Focus in a Jumbled Resume

December 26, 2012

Career Advice

How to find focus in a jumbled resumeNot everyone knows what they want to do when they grow up. That’s why a lot of resumes include varied experiences. Maybe you majored in marketing but ended up in finance. Or started your career as a teacher but ended up in HR. The good news is that there are certain soft skills that every company is looking for – and it’s likely that each of your jumbled experiences fits the bill for at least one of them.  That means that you might be qualified for more positions than you think. Follow these steps to find your focus:

Create a Master Resume
We’ve already taught you how to de-clutter your resume, but now we want you to do the opposite. List every position and experience you’ve ever had. Absolutely everything.

Find Your Story
There’s a story hiding in your resume, you just have to find it. Is there a common thread throughout your experiences? Are you always helping others? Are you always leading others? Are you always doing communications work? Highlight these things.

Reassess Your Qualifications
Based on the story you’ve found, a whole set of doors may have opened for you. Brainstorm a few positions you think you’re fit for. Maybe you have more leadership experience than you thought or more business experience than you knew.

Make an Edited Resume
For each “story” you find, create a resume highlighting the appropriate experiences. Make sure you follow our best resume tip ever as you really make your new focus shine. If you apply for a new job and land an interview, use your story during the “So tell me about yourself” portion of the interview.

Image by Tony Dowler.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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