This or That: Job Edition

December 27, 2012

Career Advice

This or That job EditionJob searching is a little like dating. Part of the process is discovering who you are and what you like and dislike. If you can really understand what makes you happy, you might be more successful at finding yourself a great career match. Here are some scenarios to consider when searching for that dream position:

Mostly Motivated or Needs Direction?
Some employees prefer a strict workday schedule otherwise they feel they’d never get anything done. Others would like a flexibly schedule and the opportunity to work from home on Fridays. What kind of person are you?

Legendary Leader or Faithful Follower?
Some employees want to work their way up to that corner office while others prefer to stay “in the field.” Think about your long-term career – are you working toward management? Or would you rather avoid the meetings and ownership that come with that path?

Go Solo or Part of the Team?
Certain teams may be smaller than others and some positions may require you to work mostly on your own. If you prefer a more collaborative environment, find a position or field that thrives with teamwork.

Huge Company or Local Business?
Working for a big brand means instant recognition (and clout) on your resume, but maybe you’d like to support a small family-owned business and the local economy. There are pros and cons to each – weigh them both.

Behind-the-Scenes or In the Spotlight?
Customer-facing roles act as spokespersons for your company’s brand. Would you rather be there in the spotlight or working at the back end making the magic happen behind the scenes?

Image by Lenna Young Andrews

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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  1. Decoding a Job Description | Spectrum Brands Careers Blog - May 24, 2013

    […] need to figure out what makes you tick and what will make your career fulfilling and meaningful. These questions will help you figure out what’s best for […]

  2. It’s Like Tinder But for the Job Hunt | Spectrum Brands Careers Blog - May 27, 2014

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