How to Get a Leg Up on the Competition

November 6, 2013

Career Advice

Screen Shot 2013-11-08 at 9.48.05 AMLanding that first job is no easy feat but once you size up your competition, it’s easy to stay a step ahead of the rest. InternMatch connects students with employers and they’ve gathered some interesting data along the way. Are you ready for the truth about hiring? It’s all here in a handy infographic.

First, here’s the bad news:

  • 47% of interviewers said little to no company knowledge is the most common interview mistake. Takeaway: Don’t be that person! Research intensely before your big interview.
  • The average number of resumes received for every open position is 250. Takeaway: Here’s where your network comes in handy. Referred candidates are 2x more likely to get an interview.
  • Recruiters spend an average of 5 to 7 seconds looking at a resume. Takeaway: Be sure to build up your network and your online presence to form a three-prong approach to any desired position.

And now the good news:

  • About 81% of managers felt that volunteer work makes graduates more attractive job candidates. Takeaway: Duh, right? So what are you waiting for? Get an internship already! 
  • 98% of recruiters used social media to find quality hires last year. Takeaway: Get to it! Start interacting with your dream company’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn presences.
  • In 2012, companies hired 36% more freelancers than in the past. Takeaway: You can land some project-based work before you graduate or you can collect an income after you graduate while you’re still looking for a full-time gig.

Image via InternMatch

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