We Asked, You Answered: The Best Career Advice You’ve Ever Been Given

November 21, 2013

Career Advice

The Best Career Advice You've Ever Been givenWe asked our Facebook fans to share the best career advice they’d ever heard. The advice they shared was insightful and inspiring whether you’re a career newbie or a seasoned workforce veteran.

Regardless of your position or industry, oftentimes career happiness and success depends on a few things that are in your control: treating others with respect, staying positive, and following your passions. Here’s what our Facebook fans offered up:

“Be yourself.” – Martin Bengtsson

“Don’t step on people to get ahead — always remember what goes around comes around. Treat everyone well because you may work with them or even for them in the future.” – Debbie Lovell

“What you say or do, act like your parents are standing next to you.” – Mike Simms

“Treat everyone you deal with as if they sign your paycheck.” – Susan Marie 

“Find something you love and make that your job. Trust your instincts.” – Debbie Lovell

“Never give up! Adapt and overcome!” – Jon Pederson

What would you add? Comment below!

Image via Laughlin Elkid/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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