What If Resumes Were Fun?

November 22, 2013

Career Advice

What if resumes were fun?These days, the marketing landscape is anything but boring. When Kmart can release this Joe Boxer Jingle Bell video and Footlocker can release this star-studded commercial all within one week, you know the tides have changed. It’s clear that we capture people’s attentions in different ways now — usually by being funny, witty, and entertaining.

We talk of personal branding and online identities but when it comes to marketing ourselves, the “marketing” remains stagnant on the career front: paper resumes and simple LinkedIn profiles.The most exciting thing to hit the job seeker scene as of late is Vizify. The site turns your experiences into a colorful, visual, interactive format with so much more personality than a black-and-white resume.

For some people, this wasn’t good enough. Video producer Marina Shifrin comes to mind. Her viral video resignation basically functioned as a creative resume at the same time. She ended up with a job offer from Queen Latifah within the week. Graphic design student Miruna Marci also took matters into her own hands. She dreamed up impeccably designed faux passports that doubled as a resume for her work. She strategically “lost” them in hopes of being found by employees of her dream company. But these ladies are not the only creative job seekers out there. Get inspired by ten more creative resumes that went viral.

Would you ever consider piecing together a multimedia resume to help you land a job? Do you think these job seekers were creative geniuses or where there efforts over the top?

Image via buyalex/Flickr.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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