Create a Living Resume with Pinterest

May 7, 2014

Career Advice

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As far as the social media job search goes, you’re obviously familiar with LinkedIn. You likely have found a job and maybe even got hired via the professional social network. And you’ve maybe dabbled in some Twitter career recon. Perhaps you’ve done some 140-character networking that led you to a job interview. But have you ever thought of using Pinterest to help you land a gig?

There’s a new trend popping up on Pinterest called “the living resume.” Users create a board called “My Living Resume” and pin items to the site that represent their body of work and experiences. Here’s a great Living Resume example from a social media manager. Now, not everyone has great digital visual content to pin to a board. But that’s OK.  Here are a few creative ways to piece together a Living Resume despite your background:

  • Pin your social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Just make sure they’re all cleaned up and looking professional!
  • Pin your website or your bio on your current company’s website.
  • Pin any articles or blog posts you’ve been interviewed for or mentioned in — or written yourself.
  • Pin the logos of the companies you’ve worked for.
  • Pin the logos of the schools you’ve attended.
  • Pin images of yourself doing cool things like volunteering.
  • Pin images of awards you or your company has won.
  • Pin images of your hobbies and any organizations you’re involved with.

Not on Pinterest? No worries. Sign up now.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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