Casual Learning Can Help Your Career

May 14, 2014

Career Advice

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FastCompany recently wrote a piece on What Casual Learning Can Do For Your Career. As expected, learning is good — even after you’ve graduated. And it turns out you don’t need to go back to school full-time or pay for an expensive class to up your ante.

There are plenty of online resources that can teach you a new skill for free — or for a very affordable price — as well as online lectures that can inspire you to think in a new way. Employers will always value a forward-thinking individual who is constantly bettering him or her self. Here are few places to turn to online for education:

TED Talks
From the quick-hit TED Talks YouTube channel to the more lengthier TED Talks podcast, is the place to turn to on the Internet for incredibly interesting discussions on work, life, and the future. Their short-and-sweet videos can also currently be found on Netflix. You’d be surprised how much your way of thinking can be changed in just 15 minutes.

iTunes U
Those seeking to expand their minds can find a free lecture on just about any topic thanks to iTunes U. The app gathers podcasts from leading universities around the world and calls itself the world’s largest catalog of free education content. Learn languages. Learn physics. Learn how to write. There’s something for everyone.

Code Academy
Knowing how to code is a hot skill these days and you don’t have to be a computer science engineer to learn how to do it. Code Academy is one of the many resources on the web that teaches programming basics to everyday people for free. This particular website teaches users in an interactive way, which makes learning fun — and you might be more likely to stick to it.


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