Things You Should Do For Your Career Before You’re 35

December 2, 2014

Career Advice


We all have bucket lists — things we want to do before we die, things we want to do before we turn 30, things we want to do before retirement, or things we want to do after retirement. But have you ever created a career bucket list? Think of it as a big picture list of goals or benchmarks you’d like to reach within a certain time frame.

Mashable shared an excellent piece lately called 35 Things You Should Do For Your Career By The Time You Turn 35. But we don’t think a career bucket list has to have an age limit. Make up your own version that’s tailored to your journey and your career path. Here are our favorite points to help you get jumpstarted on your own list:

  • Refine your elevator pitch: This is one of those things we always talk about doing but never actually do. Take the time to write a little ditty for yourself that markets your best features and your career goals.
  • Know you superpower: There’s something you can do better than anyone else — or at least a few things you know you excel at. What are those things? Memorize them and share them.
  • Learn how to delegate: No one can do it all. Even the biggest control freak needs to learn how to delegate work appropriately. Start practicing now before it’s too late.
  • Do something that scares you: That could be as big as changing career paths or as small as speaking up in a meeting. Both are equally honorable.
  • Have a career emergency plan: If you got laid off tomorrow, what would you do? You always need a plan B when it comes to your career. Whether it’s a side project, a strong network, or a career change, get comfortable with your options now.

Read the rest of the insanely helpful list of career goals over at Mashable. Which ones will make it onto your list?

Image via Courtney Dirks on Flickr. 

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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