Thinking of Your Career as a Small Business

February 12, 2015

Career Advice

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We love sharing inspiring career-focused blog posts when we find them — and this one is right up there with the best of them. It’s called Treating Your Career Like a Small Business. Here’s how it works: “Your career is a business and you are a product.” You need a marketable product and a solid brand. Make sense? If you’re struggling to land a job, keep a job, or excel at your current job, this frame of mind might help you find success. Here’s how to apply this analogy to real life:

If you can’t land an interview…
You simply aren’t packaging your product in the best way.  That means you aren’t presenting your experiences and your skills in the best light. Part of landing a job is being able to sell yourself even if that seems awkward to you. If you can’t be confident in yourself, why should anyone else? Find that confidence!

If you can’t get hired because of a questionable past…
You might have to work on your brand image. That means you might have a bit of polishing up to do both online and in person. You’ll need personal references, online testimonials, and a thoughtful explanation for any gaps in your career. There’s always a way to spin a story — find the one that works for you and your career.

If you haven’t heard from anyone during your job search…
You aren’t marketing yourself to enough of your demographic. That means you need to send out more resumes to many targeted companies! Landing a job is a bit of a numbers game and you need to market yourself to your target demographic — a large segment of your target demographic!

Read more about why you should treat your career like a small business at

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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