The Ultimate First Impression Checklist

February 19, 2015

Career Advice

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Job interviews are stressful. You should spend most of your time preparing your pitch, practicing interview questions, and researching the company and the position. But there’s also one more thing to consider: first impressions do matter. Here’s an easy-to-use checklist of all those little things that might accidentally slip your mind when you’re stressing before your big day. Run through this list and you’ll step into your interview feeling more confident, calm, and collected.

The Night Before

1. Pick out your outfit and iron it. It’s amazing how much better and more professional you’ll look with crisp and clean clothing.

2. Find a tailored, professional-looking briefcase, laptop bag, or tote. That college backpack isn’t going to cut it.

3. Look up directions so you can perfectly time when you should leave. Give yourself at least 15 minutes of wiggle room just in case.


The Morning Of

1. Skip the perfume or aftershave, as well as that cigarette. Many people are sensitive to smells and you don’t want to give anyone a reason not to like you.

2. Pack a water bottle and some tissues. Now if you get thirsty or you sneeze, you’ll be prepared.

3. Print a few extra copies of your resume just in case. Always better to have them on hand.


Minutes Before

1. Get rid of that gum.

2. Take a quick bathroom trip or a glance in a mirror. Make sure you look presentable and there’s nothing in your teeth. Practice your smile.

3. Turn off your phone. (Don’t be that guy!)


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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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  1. 50 of The Biggest Career Mistakes You Can Make | Spectrum Brands Careers Blog - September 22, 2016

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