Archive | April, 2015

More Predictions for the Future of Resumes and the Job Search

April 30, 2015

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We’ve been talking a lot about the future of the resume and it seems like everyone has a guess as to where it’s headed. Will the one-page document ever die? How does video, social media, and LinkedIn factor into its future? Here’s a roundup of some predictions from a recent Career Thought Leaders report. Where do you think the resume is headed?

  • Infographics and portfolios will be used more frequently on resumes and LinkedIn profiles making the whole job search process more visual.
  • Companies are using LinkedIn more and more to find candidates and are even limiting their search to those who have the most connections. Having a built-in network is a bonus for any employer.
  • YouTube will be integrated into LinkedIn and/or the interview process. Video allows recruiters to get a better sense of your personality, strengths, and professionalism.
  • A one-page job proposal may replace the resume. At the very least, it shows how a candidate stands out from the other interviewees. Some employers are even asking for a 30, 60, or 90 day job plan to see how each candidate will approach the position.
  • Job searching and hiring is going mobile from job searching apps for job seekers to mobile-friendly documents for recruiters.
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Before You Accept That Job Offer…

April 28, 2015


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We’ve already gone through the list of great questions you should be asking your potential employer during an interview. But there’s also a list of questions you should be asking yourself, especially before you say “yes” to an offer. Before you get too excited, run through the following list to be sure that this job is a great fit for you.

1. Will I be comfortable working here for 8 hours each day?
Be sure to get a glimpse of the office environment during the interview process and ask for a tour if you don’t. You don’t want to find out that you’ll be sitting in a dark room with no windows on your first day on the job. Or that the cafeteria has been replaced by vending machines or that the gym has been closed for months.

2. Does this job fit within my budget?
When it comes to finances, there’s much more than salary. Commuting costs, lunch prices, gym costs, phone bills, and required corporate attire can all factor into your budget. A job may pay more but it may come with a higher “cost of living” — or maybe it pays a bit less but it means you’d be able to sell your car. Figure out what’s important to you and your budget.

3. Do the people and company share my values? 
What you stand for is important and the people you surround yourself with and the work you dedicate yourself to should be in line with this. For example, if family and work-life balance is important to you, look for companies with flexible day-to-day work schedules, holiday breaks, and on-site gyms or daycare.

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How to Stay Focused on Your Job Search

April 26, 2015


If you’re searching for a job, you’re likely doing it from home. Whether you’re unemployed, finishing up a degree, or looking to leave your current job, the couch is the prime spot for job search for many. It can be hard to work from home though especially without a deadline or a timeline. Here are some tips to help you stay dedicated during your job search.

1. Define a workspace.
I hate to tell you this, but the couch isn’t going to cut it. Work from a desk or table and preferably a room with a door that can be closed. Sitting properly — instead of lounging on the couch — will keep you focused and you’ll likely produce better work and search more productively.

2. Set a start and end time.
A deadline or time limit will keep you motivated and focused. You might dread writing a difficult cover letter or going through a tedious online application process, but you’re much more likely to get the work done and get it done efficiently with a self-imposed deadline.

3. Get rid of the distractions.
Turn off the TV, close the door, or notify your family members or roommates that you’ll be out of commission for the next two hours while you job search. The goal is to get rid of all distractions and interruptions for at least one solid hour of work time.

4. Walk away.
At the end of your pre-determined work period, turn off your computer and walk away. It’s easy to get job search burnout and you don’t want to send a less-than-stellar resume or cover letter. It’s better to take a break for the day and revisit it tomorrow.

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Business or Casual? How to Dress Correctly for Work

April 23, 2015


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Business casual is hard to define because every work environment is different even if they all subscribe to the “business casual” school of thought. There are two words in that phrase — “business” and “casual.” So which does your work environment lean more heavily toward? And if the dress code is “casual” on Fridays or all year round, is lazy Sunday casual the same as “work casual?”

When in doubt, it’s always better to overdress than underdress. But if you’re about to start a new job and would prefer not to stand out on your first day, Simply Hired put together a great list of definitions outlining the “business casual” expectations of many different kinds of work environments from start ups to conference attire. Here is a summary:

  • Casual or Startup: For women, skinny jeans, a blouse, and flats. For men, dark wash jeans, tailored shirts, and clean shoes.
  • Business Casual: For women, tailored pants, blouse, and flats. For men, tailored pants, button down shirt, and professional-looking shoes.
  • Business Formal: For women, pencil skirt or dress pants, blouse, and blazer. For men, a tailored suit and tie.
  • Conference professional: For women, tailored pants, blazer, flats, and statement necklace. For men, tailored pants, blazer, button-up shirt, and professional-looking shoes.

Read the full article, What Does Business Casual Mean? Build a Better Career with These Clothing Basics.

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The Job Outlook for Recent Grads

April 16, 2015


Hooray! It looks like the skies are clearing for college graduates.

There are 20 percent more opportunities for full-time employment this year than last, according to data from Simply Hired. April is the most common month for college students to get hired for full-time work but don’t despair if you don’t yet have a job. Hiring tends to peak again in July and yet again in October for new grads. That’s motivation to keep your job search game strong throughout the summer.

Check out this infographic with more statistics:

infographic_newgrad2015 Infographic via Simply Hired

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What is the future of the resume?

April 14, 2015

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Thanks to sites like LinkedIn, it’s no secret that the resume is changing. This infographic details the top five upcoming trends, how to think outside the box when it comes to landing a job, and interviews with some of the top experts. Where do you think the resume is headed?



Infographic via Davitt Corporate Partners.

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5 Assumptions That Are Preventing You From Landing a Job

April 9, 2015

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picjumbo.com_HNCK4023It’s easy to lose confidence and motivation during a long job search. Soon the excuses start flowing and you feel like you’ll never work again. But fear not! We’re here to smash five assumptions that are preventing your from landing a job. Erase these excuses from your memory and you’ll land a new position before you know it.

1. You don’t apply because… the job has already been listed for a month.
According a recent report by Indeed and the Centre for Economic and Business Research, 43% of job openings are filled within 30 days. The 57% of jobs that aren’t fulfilled within 30 days could remain available for as long as three months.

2. You don’t apply because… you don’t meet every single qualification listed in the job description.
If you meet most of the requirements and the rest could be met with a little bit of training, then you’re qualified. Every job description is filled with a combination of “must-have” and “nice-to-have” job qualities, but you don’t need them all to land an interview.

3. You don’t apply because… they didn’t win a “Best Place to Work” award.
A “best place to work” award doesn’t mean it’s the best place for you to work. Don’t rely exclusively on awards and gossip about what it’s like to work there. What didn’t work for someone else could be perfect for your career, your strengths, and your lifestyle. And vice versa. Do what’s right for you.

4. You don’t apply because… the listed salary isn’t high enough.
Salaries are always negotiable. And upon interviewing, you may discover other benefits like a shortened workweek, flexible work days, an on-site gym, or the ability to work from home that could make up for any salary differences.

5. You don’t apply because… they’ll never get back to you anyway.
Just because a company doesn’t immediately respond to your application doesn’t mean you’re not on their radar or that they aren’t considering you for an upcoming opportunity. To quote Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Image via picjumbo.


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Part 3: FAQs about Applying for a Job at Spectrum Brands

April 7, 2015


14781942381_d6472c70deEvery company has a different process when it comes to job applications, interviews, and hiring. We try to be very straightforward with ours. Check out this slideshow outlining what our hiring process is like or read our complete list of frequently asked questions. Here are just a few common questions about our application process:

How do I update my candidate profile?

You can log in to your account by way of the Spectrum Brands Careers page to update or change your profile at any time.

Why is the job that I applied to no longer listed on your website?

Job opportunities are removed from our website after the position has been filled or if we are no longer looking to fill it at that time.

What happens to my candidate profile if the job I have applied to has been filled?

Your candidate profile will be retained in our applicant database to be considered for future opportunities.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of our FAQ series.

Image via markus spiske.

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Questions You Should Be Asking Your Potential Future Employer

April 2, 2015

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14929512628_138679d966Most of the time spent prepping for an interview revolves around practicing answers to the questions you know are coming. But what if you dedicated just as much time to practicing questions? Candidates who ask well thought out and researched questions appear more interested, more educated, and may be more likely to land the job offer.

This means that your questions should be tailored to the specific job opening just as your resume and cover letter were. Not any question is going to cut it, but there are a few obvious ones that can lead you in the right direction. To get started, think about these four categories on which you can base your questions:

  • Getting to know the job
  • Getting to know your future coworkers
  • Getting to know the organization
  • Getting to know the hiring process

99u came up with a list of twelve great questions to ask your future employer including some really memorable ones like, “If you’re being honest, what’s the biggest hesitancy about adding me to your team, and what could I do to alleviate this?” Are you brave enough to ask that question? You should be! Read the full article here.

Image via markus spiske.

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