Why Gen-X and Boomers Should Mentor a Millennial

November 6, 2015

Career Advice

11320869875_3ea5ce02d3_zIn the workplace, a variety of generations have always worked together to solve problems and produce goods and services. But today’s Millennial generation, the youngest working generation, is analyzed constantly and it’s not always in the most positive light.

Millennials have been raised in a much different world than Gen-Xers and Baby Boomers. In a recent article for The Muse, writer Jeremy Boudinet, himself a Millennial, claims this negative press is misguided because it frames Millennials as narcissistic and self-absorbed. He believes instead, that they are “uncertain” and constantly looking for feedback because of the age of fear they were raised in and because they know they aren’t well-liked by the older generations.

But how do we bridge the gap between these generations? Jeremy offers this piece of wisdom: “On a professional level, there is compelling evidence that Boomer and Gen-X mentorship is the cure for bridging the generation gap and ‘fixing’ Millennials, for the betterment of all parties involved.” When Gen-X mentors “adopt” a Millennial, it can only help on a personal and company-wide level. As Jeremy says when speaking about his own mentors, “They have enabled me to unlock untapped potential, set new professional goals, and provide a vital role to my company.”

Are you a Boomer or Gen-Xer who’s willing to offer mentorship? Know that you may not find the Millennials reaching out, given their uncertainty and already entrenched feelings that they are looked down upon by the older generations. Reach out to them. A mentoring relationship works for both parties. The mentee is not the only one gaining in knowledge and motivation. The mentor also reaps rewards by passing down their knowledge and helping in the growth of another human being.

For more reasons on why Millennials need this mentorship, read the full article at The Muse.

Image via JD Lasica/Flickr.

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