7 Productivity Apps That Will Keep You Focused on Your Job Search

November 10, 2015

Career Advice

22405874902_e76accaf49_zWith all the things competing for your attention, trying to get your work done or just keeping yourself focused during a job search is a difficult thing. Social media alone could keep you trapped in an internet loop all day long. Fortunately, there is an upside to the technological direction our world has moved in. There are applications out there that can help you manage your time and keep you focused. Here are some of the most popular and how they work.

Stay Focused (free) is an app that allows you to choose the sites you want to keep yourself from. You set the amount of time you want to be able to access those sites and then they are restricted when that time is up. Very customizable. Stay Focused is an extension of Google Chrome.

Anti-Social ($) is an app similar to Stay Focused. It also keeps you from social media sites. You can block them for as little as 15 minute or as long as 8 hours. The only way out is to shut your computer down.

Time Out (free) is a great app to help you restrict your time spent staring at your screen. It prompts you to take breaks (10 minutes) and mini-breaks (10 seconds to rest your eyes). This app helps manage your body’s inability to sit for such long periods of time.

Self Control (free) is an OS X application that can keep you from sending and receiving e-mail and block certain websites for up to 90 minutes. You can access the rest of the web, but not those you’ve off limit for a particular period of time. There’s no stopping it once it’s set. You’ll have to wait until the time runs out.

Focus Booster ($) is based on the Pomodoro technique, which subscribes to the theory that you can work in 25 minute segments with five minute breaks. This app will also track your time on various projects and help you maintain your work/life balance. It’s good for students, freelancers and consultants.

Toggl ($) is a time-tracking app that is good for teams. It can help you see which projects and which clients  you spent your time on. Toggle has a free option, but can be upgraded to a monthly fee with more options.

Remember The Milk (free) is an app that helps bring together all your tasks from different devices and reminds you of them wherever you are. It can act as your to-do list no matter where you are or what device you are working on.

Image via MMT/Flickr.

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