The Importance of Persistence Over Patience When Job Searching

November 17, 2015

Career Advice

PersistenceIn some situations, patience can be a virtueFor instance, keeping your mouth shut when someone says something you have the perfect comeback for, or waiting in line at the grocery store behind five people with loaded carts. But, when it comes to getting a job, persistence is the virtue you’re going to need.

No one is going to drop a job in your lap. And it’s very possible that the role you would be best suited for isn’t out there in a perfectly packaged job description. In uncertain economies, organizations are searching for employees that can present themselves as multi-talented and able to reach across departments to fulfill a variety of tasks. You need to use your persistence and become the solution they are looking for. Here’s how:

  • Mold your resume to show crossover skills: Having many experiences in one skill is good, but don’t stop there. Don’t forget about those other skills you may not have used recently, or haven’t realized that you’ve been using all along.
  • Cover letter: This is like sending that handwritten note that noone receives anymore. Anyone who opens a handwritten note feels special when they receive it. Make the HR staff feel special with your customized cover letter!
  • Follow up: In your cover letter or e-mail, include when you will follow up. Next week? Next month? Whatever it may be, make sure you follow up on that day.
  • Network: Build networking into your weekly or monthly schedule. This can include using your a class or workout as an opportunity to connect with people. Networking doesn’t have to only mean attending a “networking” event. Give yourself goals for how many informational interviews you will set up per week.
  • Thank you: Always send a thank you to anyone that has remotely helped you with your job search. It may feel like overkill at first, but look at it as a way for that person to see your name one more time. It could jog their memory and be the ticket into your next position. 
  • Join professional groups in your field: Show your potential boss how perseverant you are by joining and attending trade organizations in your field. You may just as well land your next interview by networking there.
  •  Offer to work on a consulting/freelance basisSome organizations are not in a place to hire a full-time employee, but they may be able to budget for a freelancer. Remember to consider this in your informational interviews and networking meetings.


About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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