Is Pinterest a Job Search Tool?

December 1, 2015

Career Advice

6137341753_a85103a434_zIf you thought Pinterest was only for sharing DIY projects, recipes and pretty pictures, I’m sure you’re not alone. But, alas, this is one more social media app (or “catalog of ideas” as the founder likes to call it) where you can promote yourself and your body of work. Here’s how you can use it for personal branding and job search success.

Post your resume. What words would you search if you were looking for an outstanding candidate like yourself? In the caption, use hashtags and words that are attractive to recruiters or organizations.

Gather job advice. Search many job-related words and you’ll find all kinds of helpful information. Pin the best advice to a job search board or interview advice board that you can refer to for inspiration and motivation.

Create a board for your personal brand. A personal board can explains who you are, and help prospective employers learn more about your experiences, personality, and brand beyond your resume.

Visualize your job search. Are you a visual learner? Then you’ll love Pinterest. Try pinning infographics, motivational quotes, inspiring career images, advice, and more.

Search other professional’s boards. Research others in your industry and find out what they are doing, what they are posting, how they are promoting themselves.

Remember, like any social media app, you need to pay attention to what you are posting. Your personal information, opinions and values are now out there for potential employers to view. If you craft your boards with this in mind, it’s no different than writing a resume.

This could be your favorite job search tool. You won’t know until you start pinning!

Image via Bunches and Bits {Karina}/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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