7 Reasons You Should Continue Your Job Search During the Holidays

December 3, 2015

Career Advice

22382343465_686a7314a4_zThe retail holiday tunes have begun and you’re determined to never shop again after hearing “Jingle Bells” one too many times. But you can’t ignore this sign that the holidays are here and you are powerless to the retailers and their musical choices.

Look at this another way though: while everyone else is busy shopping and planning, you have an opportunity. What is it? To take advantage of this time of the year for a job search. Here are the top reasons why ramping up your search right now is the way to go.

  1. The competition is taking a break. It’s your chance to sneak right in and be the one the organizations see. Most job searchers go on hiatus during the holidays or even take a seasonal job to help pay for bills. So ramp up your search rather than scaling it down!
  2. Holiday parties. There are many, many chances to network within your own organization and during all of those other parties you are invited to (or invite yourself to). Take every opportunity to network during this time.
  3. Holiday spirit. People are generally feeling more thankful and helpful around this time of the year. Take advantage of the season of giving when asking for an informational or coffee meeting.
  4. Holiday cards. Send out a holiday greeting to your contact list, but also include your current status and what you are looking for in a new job. Two birds with one stone!
  5. Old friends. The holidays are a time to reconnect with your friends from high school and college. Find out where theses folks are employed. They may very well be gainfully employed in your industry or have colleagues to refer you to.
  6. Hiring continues. Despite popular myth, organizations are still hiring during the holidays. Many times, they want to hire before the end of the year so new employees can start January 1.
  7. Sales, sales, sales! The retail industry has everything on SALE! Use this time to buy your interview clothing and any office supplies or technology that’s necessary for your search.

Image via Image Catalog/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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