Having Trouble Being Productive? Stop Working.

December 8, 2015

Career Advice

4831501753_2d14101d26_zYou’ve stared at the screen an hour too long. Or, maybe you’ve gone down the rabbit hole that is the internet looking at completely unnecessary things. But that idea or inspiration you’re looking for is just not presenting itself.

Some people have been working long enough to know their own patterns; when they are most productive in the day and when they aren’t. It’s good to be aware enough to know these, but if you don’t, here’s a secret. Just stop.

What? Yes, just stop your work, walk away and find something else to do for a while. Relaxing your brain and giving it a much-needed break breeds creativity. That break allows you to refresh and regenerate. If you’re a creative type you may know this trick already.

Willing the work out of yourself is just not going to happen. Having alternative activities you can do when you hit this roadblock is key. If you’re someone with tons of hobbies and workplace flexibility, it’s easier to walk away from work for a bit. However, if you’re in an office environment with limited flexibility, you’ll need to get a bit creative.

Here are some options for a way to take a break and boost your creativity:

  1. Take a walk, outside if possible, alone or with a partner.
  2. Workout. If you have a place to do this at your place of work, or nearby, that’s optimal.
  3. Walk or run up and down the stairwell.
  4. Meditate. Find a quiet area, if not in your office, at a park or nearby green space.
  5. Take a drive somewhere inspirational.
  6. Meet someone for a 1/2 hour chat.
  7. Read a book (or listen to one!).
  8. Run errands or shop, which is easy to do during the holidays.
  9. Listen to music.
  10. Call and talk to a friend — someone that makes you feel good, preferably!
  11. Flip through a magazine for 15 minutes.

Image via Lucas Cobb/Flickr

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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