A Job Search Club, Really?

December 17, 2015

Career Advice

20654531182_7c4df489fd_zHave you ever run into someone who had a job search experience similar to yours, but treated it completely differently? You listened to their story and were surprised, but enlightened. Not everyone handles things the same way and many times it can be very helpful and motivating to hear someone else’s scenario.

Particularly during a job search, we can get stuck in our own little rut wearing blinders and only attacking the search in one way: ours! A job club can help you break free of this one-sided perspective and empower you to see more than one route to your goal.

A job club is a a group of people who are each searching for their next job and come together with the goal of supporting one another during this time. Here are some reasons why you might want to join one:

  1. Accountability. Sending out those resumes and filling out the online applications stinks, so it’s good to be a part of a group that will keep you motivated.
  2. Celebration. It’s always good to have go-to people to celebrate the little things with. Cheers to that awesome interview!
  3. Encouragement. You need support during the tough times. Rejection letters stink so it’s nice to have someone you can talk to if/when you receive one.
  4. Education. Why pass up the chance to share and learn about job search tools and resources? There are so many helpful tools out there that it’s impossible to know all of them–but your job search group can help share reviews and tips.
  5. Enlightenment. Share your own experiences and advice, but also learn about other’s unique approaches. There’s more than one way to skin a cat!
  6. Improvement. In a job search group, you’ll have built-in resume editors—lots of them! It’s hard to see your own resume clearly after you’ve been looking at it for days on end. Let somebody else give you some suggestions.

Image via Aaron Gaines/Flickr

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  1. 6 Ways to Shake Up Your Job Search | Spectrum Brands Careers Blog - February 23, 2016

    […] Job Search Club: Take a night off from your book club and join a Job Search Club. This is a more intimate way to make contacts, get feedback, and meet with like-minded individuals […]

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