Haven’t Searched for a Job in Years? Here are the Trends You Need to Know.

December 29, 2015

Career Advice

5146901365_d1e00df0a5_zWorried you don’t have an edge like the others do? Concerned that you’re not going to do as well in the interview as your competitors? Maybe your resume is so old that you don’t know what employers are expecting anymore. Or, you check your closet for your interview suit and find it’s at least a decade out of style.

For all of these reasons, you may feel unqualified. But with a little research, you can get back on track. Give yourself a leg up by researching the following trends and hacks, and discovering what they can do to increase your job search success.

Career Coach/Life Coach: At the beginning of your search? A life or career coach can help define what direction you should take, what career you are most suited for, what specific tasks you most enjoy doing. Overall, what path is best for your personality and goals. If you’re stuck during your search, this expert will help redirect you and get you back on the right path. A life coach can serve as an incredible motivator during the job search process. They are terrific at helping you hold onto your confidence and power and keeping you inspired in your search.

Resume Writer: A resume writing expert will help you bring your resume up to date in a way that speaks to employers. Even if you’re a good writer, a resume writer knows how to express your experiences in the most desirable way. Employers scan resumes for relevant job history, key words, certifications and education. This expert will help you design your resume to get the most “looks.” In today’s world, you’ll want to find an expert familiar with the digital side of things who can think beyond the paper page.

Job Search Club: This type of club is the perfect way to gain support and feedback. Searching for a job can be very lonely and meeting with others dealing who have similar issues can remind you you’re not the only one on this journey. You could create your own club, or join a local Meetup.com group.

Industry Club/Social Media Group: With a simple Google search, you can find a plethora of industry-specific groups. Check out your industry online and you’ll find a social media group or a networking group that includes people like you with similar interests. Just socializing with people in your industry can bring about a fresh perspective, like new tools and tips you hadn’t thought of.

Image via Ross/Flickr.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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