The Résumé: What’s Changed and What’s Stayed the Same

January 22, 2016

Career Advice

13903383190_5920c870e1_zApplying for a job is a multimedia experience these days: LinkedIn messages, emails, online questionnaires, video interviews, phone calls, in-person meetings, etc. It’s exhausting! But one thing remains the same—the résumé is still front and center when looking for a new job.

Given the evolution of career searches, the résumé, while still here, has slightly changed. Recruiters and hiring managers often have to quickly scan your application due to the influx of online applications. Just like it’s important to tailor your resume for the job you are searching for, it’s just as important to adjust your résumé style to the current times—just like you would your wardrobe!

Here are a few things that have changed and a few things that haven’t when it comes to résumés…as well as something that’s still up for debate:

What Has Stayed the Same?

  • The dates you’ve worked at a job should remain specific. Always use the months in addition to the years.
  • Include quantifiable numbers wherever you can. Numerical data is always great.
  • Prioritize your accomplishments under each position.
  • Incorporate softs skills where possible.
  • Stick to the truth! If you feel like you need to explain something further, save it for the cover letter or interview. Don’t put anything misleading on your résumé.

What Has Changed? 

  • Consider including any life or volunteer experiences that have taught you skills which apply to the job. It may very likely show your determination, perseverance, or resilience.
  • Forget the long-winded and complicated descriptions of your daily job responsibilities.
  • You don’t have to hide your education at the bottom of the résumé, especially if it relates to the job. The format isn’t quite as rigid as it once was.
  • Don’t include a hobbies section. Limit this section to applicable accomplishments.
  • Don’t bury important information and make the recruiters search for it. Keep your format and copy simple and obvious.
  • Any potentially controversial topics (religion, politics, sexuality) should be left off your résumé.
  • Try to stick to one page, unless you have decades of experience.

What’s Still Up for Debate?

  • Summary paragraphs. Some say it’s a good thing, while others believe it just takes up room and is unnecessary.

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