You Got a Job Offer…But Is It the Right One?

February 18, 2016

Career Advice

14443359250_260e2a880a_zIf you’re in a serious job search, the dream is that you’ll end up with one great offer… or more than one if you’re lucky! Awesome, right? Whether you have one offer and are currently employed or more than offer during a bout of unemployment, you now have everyone’s ideal scenario: choices!

Does this job best fit your life, your current place in the world, and your goals for the future? Ask yourself those questions and proceed carefully. Here are some other things to consider when the confusion begins to set in about a job offer.

  • You have put a lot of work into this job search: resumes, cover letters, portfolios, samples, references, interviews, new clothing, time, money….
  • You do not owe these organizations anything other than your honesty and respect.
  • As much as you need and want a job, the fit must be there.
  • If the company has realized your worth and offered you a job, they know that others are doing the same. The race between two or more companies fighting for a qualified candidate is not uncommon.
  • You owe it to yourself and the company to turn down an offer if you are not a good fit. In the long run, it would cost them more money for you to quit or even get fired after starting.
  • You may be tempted to take a job simply because of a bigger benefits package, but before you do, envision yourself doing that job every day… and, if possible, talk with employees who work there already.
  • Consider the growth potential of the position.

You are one of the lucky ones! Not everyone has this opportunity to have choices. Try not to let it overwhelm you, but instead see it as a challenge and a chance to weigh your options for the future. Definitely lower the boom very gracefully and respectfully with the organization you are saying “No”or “Goodbye” to. If done right, you can keep this organization in your contacts for the future!

Image via Simon Hayhurst/Flickr

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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One Comment on “You Got a Job Offer…But Is It the Right One?”

  1. Janelle Says:

    I have a old Co worker of mine that recently got hired by Spectrum Brands. He seems very content working for Spectrum and I would love to be a part of the team!


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