5 Starters for Interview Small Talk

March 29, 2016

Career Advice

5 -Small Talk- StartersAs we’ve discussed before, small talk is a critical part of getting a job, but it doesn’t come as easy for some as for others. If you are someone who needs a bit of help in this category, here are some suggestions on how to get your small talk groove on and keep it going. Anything but the weather…right?!

  1. Comment on your commute to the interview. This could include the traffic or a local event. Just make sure that your comment is positive. “The traffic in was moving pretty well today!” or “I think the city is preparing for this weekend’s marathon.” or “It was such a quick and easy ride for me.”
  2. Ask the interviewer a question. Posing a question to someone almost always makes them feel like you are interested in them. “How’s your day going?” or “IS today a busy day for you?” or “How many people do you manage as the technical director?” Asking a question also shows you are confident in your choices.
  3. Comment on the atmosphere in the office or building. An office space always gives off a certain type of vibe. If you feel something positive from this place, mention it. Or if you’re generally interested in the function or design elements of the space, ask a question. The interviewer will see that you are imagining yourself in this space.
  4. Be enthusiastic, but not pushy. The interviewer is gauging your interest in the position by both your verbal and non-verbal communication, especially during the first 5 minutes together. Make sure your body language is appropriate and responsive. Use good eye contact, don’t fidget or cross your arms, smile when appropriate, and nod when it makes sense. If you are disappointed or frustrated by something, try not to led on.
  5. Stay positive. Keep the tone light and happy during that pre-interview small talk. The conversation will get serious soon. At the end of your interview, it’s likely there will be some closure around the initial small talk conversation. Try to remember something from that portion of your discussion and bring it back into your final thoughts with the interviewer. For example, “Good luck on your busy day!” or “Enjoy your plans with your family this weekend.” Close the loop!

Image via Canva.

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