The Top 5 Productivity Killers

December 1, 2016

Career Advice

In order to be more productive, you need to better understand yourself and your bad habits. Sure, we all have our little quirks but when it comes to workplace productivity, we can all agree on a few common distractions. According to a 2015 survey by CareerBuilder, these are the top five workplace attention destroyers. Memorize these productivity killers and then try to overcome them today at work. You can do it!

1. Cell phones/texting

giphy-22. Internet



3. Gossip


4. Social mediagiphy-4

5. Emailgiphy-5


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  1. 5 Tips That Will Help You Stick to Your Resolutions | Spectrum Brands Careers Blog - January 5, 2017

    […] Get rid of the distractions. If you’re often saying, “There’s never enough time!” or “I’m busy!” think about how you really spend your time. As the saying goes, if you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. That may mean giving up TV time every night, logging out of Facebook, or avoiding one of these popular productivity killers. […]

  2. Our Top 10 Productivity Posts | Spectrum Brands Careers Blog - January 12, 2017

    […] Top 5 Productivity Killers […]

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