5 Ways to to Be Proactive not Reactive In Your Career

April 13, 2017

Career Advice

We live in a reactive society where emails, push notifications, and texts constantly interrupt our train of thought, deter us from our goals, and dictate our daily schedules. If you’re serious about furthering your career, you need to take a stand. The following tips can help you stay strong, or proactive, on a day-to-day basis.

  1. Shut off your email notifications on your phone and your computer. Don’t let someone else interrupt your day whenever they please. Only check your email when you have time to tackle your email.
  2.  Attend networking events even if you’re not looking for a job. Building connections now–instead of when you are desperate–will make for a much easier transition if you do ever find yourself unemployed or ready for a new position.
  3. Ask for LinkedIn recommendations and endorsements now, not when you are job searching or recently unemployed. Build up a strong reference pool now and you will feel much more at ease the next time you’re on the hunt.
  4. Log out of all social networks and remove the apps from your phone. These sites can kill your productivity during the day. Reward yourself with a visit at the end of the day if you’ve completed your goals.
  5. Say “No” more often. Every time you say “yes” you are saying “no” to something else in your life. Get clear on your priorities and don’t feel guilty when you turn down something that is not in line with your goals.

Image via PughPugh/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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