What To Do When You Get The Interview…but Not the Job

April 18, 2017

Career Advice

Always a bridesmaid! Is that how you feel on the job search? You’re constantly landing interviews but not landing the job? You may be missing one of these key interview techniques that the pros have mastered. Add the following skills to your interview toolbox and you’ll be signing on the dotted line before you know it.

Strike up a conversation.
At some point during the interview, get a natural, off-the-cuff conversation going that can showcase your friendliness and personality. Try small talk when you first walk in the room. Or, ask an unrehearsed follow-up questions that shows you are really engaged with the interviewer.

Outline why you’re a perfect fit.
You know you’re a perfect fit. You think they know it. But do they? You must outline the unique reasons why you would flourish at this organization. Be sure to put the appropriate spit on it — how you could help the company (not vice versa).

Reiterate why you’re interested.
You wouldn’t be sitting in this interview if you weren’t interested, right? It’s true, but the fact still needs to be stated out loud at the end of your interview. Now is not the time to feel too proud. Lay it all out on the table by saying something like, “I’m really passionate about the work you’re doing here and I would love to be a part of it.”

Image via Image Catalog/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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