Archive | September, 2017

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

September 28, 2017


It’s one of those interview questions you’re bound to hear: “Where do you see yourself in five or 10 years?” It’s an awkward question because you may not necessarily see yourself at that same company…maybe this opportunity is just a stepping stone. (But there’s no need to say that in the interview!)

It’s also awkward because maybe you literally don’t know where you want to be in five years! As we’ve discussed before, every career path is not a straight line. It may not be totally clear where you are headed right now, or how this position will help you get there. And that’s okay! (But again, no need to say that in an interview setting.)

One easy way to spin this question to your advantage is to think about it more generically. Talk about how you want to be working for a company that you believe in and in a position that inspires and challenges you on a daily basis. Talk about how this opportunity meets those boxes at this moment. Make sure it’s clear that this position aligns with your career goals. That’s ultimately why this question is asked.

Image via Sparklehausen/Flickr.

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Productivity Hack: Switch It Up

September 26, 2017


We’ve already covered one of our favorite productivity hacks: a change of scenery. But here’s another great tip: switch it up! We’re so used to the monotony of our daily routines, that it’s easy to feel uninspired. Get out of that slump by making small changes that can reinvigorate your mind and your productivity level. Here are some of our favorite ways to switch things up during our work day:

  • Flip-flop your day: do your morning tasks in the afternoon and vice-versa.
  • Drive to work a different way–or better yet, bike or take the bus instead.
  • If you usually eat at work, go out for lunch or go home if it’s possible.
  • Hold your standing meetings in a different meeting room each week.
  • Invite members of another team (that you wouldn’t usually collaborate with) to a brainstorm session.
  • If you usually workout after work, try exercising in the morning or during lunch.
  • They working from the cafeteria or a shared lounge for the afternoon.
  • Try a standing desk if you usually sit.
  • Ask for feedback from someone you usually wouldn’t.
  • Join a committee or take on a project that is outside your comfort zone.

Image via Peter Asquith/Flickr.

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Productivity Hack: A Change of Scenery

September 21, 2017


It’s hard to stay focused day in and day out. But sometimes all we need is a bit of change to reinvigorate our minds. Ok, ok, so we can’t all fly to Fiji and enjoy the ocean breeze for a day. But there are little things we can do to incorporate a change of scenery into our work day. Here are our favorites:

  • After lunch, work from the company cafeteria for an hour.
  • Try an exercise ball or a standing desk for a day.
  • Add a new plant or dim light to your desktop.
  • Bring your laptop to a foyer, lobby, or another seating area at work.
  • Switch desks with a coworker for an afternoon.
  • Encourage holding your next meeting at an off-site location.
  • If the weather is nice, head outside to a bench or table.
  • Work from home for a day.
  • Invest in some quality headphones and try a new soundtrack for your work day.
  • Clean up your desk space so it’s free from clutter.

Image via Giorgio Montersino/Flickr.

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A Great Question For the End of Your Interview

September 19, 2017


When an interview ends, it’s hard to know for sure what the interviewer was thinking. Did they love you or did they think you were unqualified? Do they think you’re perfect for the job or just a runner up? Besides reiterating your interest at the end of an interview, there’s not much more you can do to “seal the deal.”

But this one question may help. Are you ready for it? Once you’ve answered their questions, and they’ve answered yours, save this one for last: “Do you have any concerns with my experiences or questions about my abilities that I can address right now?” Not only does this give the interviewer a chance to bring up any outstanding issues or lingering doubts, but it also shows that you’re definitely interested in landing this offer. After all, you didn’t want to leave any doubts in their mind!

The interviewer may brush off this question–but they’ll still be impressed that you asked. Or, they may bring up a true concern. Since that’s always a possibility, be prepared to answer a serious question. You likely already know what the interviewer may be worried about when it comes to your past experiences. Practice a few talking points regarding any of your soft spots so this question works to your advantage–and not your detriment.

Image via Ryan Van Etten/Flickr.

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10 Ways to Stay Fit During Your Work Day

September 14, 2017


Exercise? Try desk-ercise! There are simple ways to incorporate more activity into your daily routine. For those who are wearing activity trackers, you know that every little bit counts. Not only may you hit your step goal and raise your heart rate, you may trim your waistline, ease your back pain, and increase your muscle mass with consistent effort. Here are some of our favorite ways to incorporate fitness at work:

  • Take the stairs.
  • Stand up and stretch every 30 minutes.
  • Hold a “standing” meeting.
  • Do a 60 second wall sit once per hour.
  • Take a 30-minute walk during the lunch hour.
  • Jog in place for 30 seconds during the afternoon slump.
  • Sit on a fitness ball instead of a chair.
  • Do a series of squats while you’re waiting for the printer.
  • Stretch out your neck and shoulders in the morning and afternoon.
  • Sit straight and practice good posture!
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Spectrum Brands Has Been Recognized by the American Heart Association!

September 12, 2017


Great news! Spectrum Brands has received a Silver Level Recognition from the American Heart Association for our Wellness Initiatives and Programs. See the full list here. According to their website, the Workplace Health Achievement program assesses overall workplace health based on certain factors.

“Companies recognized by the American Heart Association meet AHA criteria for their achievement to implement quality employee health programs in a workplace environment characteristic of culture of health best practices.

The Workplace Health Achievement Index scores organizations on 55 individual best practices, organized into seven categories of organizational best practices (leadership, engagement, programs, policies and environment, partnerships, communications, and reporting outcomes) and the objective, unbiased science-based assessment of overall workplace heart health using aggregate data from My Life Check or aggregate an equivalent source.”

We’re so honored that we’ve been recognized for our commitment to employee health. Read more about our wellness programs here.

Image via American Heart Association.

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Rayovac’s 111th Birthday!

September 7, 2017


Happy birthday, Rayovac! Today, we’re celebrating more than 100 years of providing jobs in America. Here’s to US job creation with a commitment to American-made products!

Did you know that Rayovac manufactures all of our Alkaline batteries in Wisconsin? The Fennimore plant produces 2,500,000 batteries per day–that’s more than 1 billion per year! WOW.


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Rayovac Donates to Harvey Relief

September 5, 2017


The effects of Hurricane Harvey have been devastating for so many, and we wanted to help. In fact, the entire city of Madison, Wisconsin put forth an amazing effort to gather supplies for Houston. The CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Dane County, Michael Johnson, was thankful for our donation of 25,000 batteries and 12,000 flashlights.

Retired firefighter Dale Emmerich drove from Madison to Dixon, Illinois to collect the supplies, which were then transported to Houston. We’re so proud of Wisconsin for being so generous and caring in a time of dire need. The entire city came together–incredibly fast–to gather and transfer the necessary supplies for hurricane relief. Stay strong, Houston!

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