Productivity Hack: A Change of Scenery

September 21, 2017

Career Advice

It’s hard to stay focused day in and day out. But sometimes all we need is a bit of change to reinvigorate our minds. Ok, ok, so we can’t all fly to Fiji and enjoy the ocean breeze for a day. But there are little things we can do to incorporate a change of scenery into our work day. Here are our favorites:

  • After lunch, work from the company cafeteria for an hour.
  • Try an exercise ball or a standing desk for a day.
  • Add a new plant or dim light to your desktop.
  • Bring your laptop to a foyer, lobby, or another seating area at work.
  • Switch desks with a coworker for an afternoon.
  • Encourage holding your next meeting at an off-site location.
  • If the weather is nice, head outside to a bench or table.
  • Work from home for a day.
  • Invest in some quality headphones and try a new soundtrack for your work day.
  • Clean up your desk space so it’s free from clutter.

Image via Giorgio Montersino/Flickr.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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