Reminder: Think Twice Before You Post

October 12, 2017

Career Advice

Social media is a challenging concept to grasp. At first, it seems like all fun and games. Wow, what a great way to connect with friends, keep in touch, and share photos! But then things get more complicated. Many people have lost their jobs or gotten into legal troubles for things they’ve posted on social networks. In a nutshell it becomes a question of, “Where do I draw the line?”

How much should you really be sharing online? Every post is etched on the history of the internet forever. Do you want your boss to see your college photos? Do you want your acquaintances to know when you’re on vacation? Do you want your every thought broadcast to strangers? Maybe not. These might help you answer those questions about where to draw the line. We’re only going to cover the two most common networks for job seekers: Facebook and LinkedIn.

This is a great network for close friends and family. Don’t feel obligated to accept every friend request you get. There are complex security settings you can change to prevent certain posts from being seen by certain people, but its easier to keep things simple and don’t connect with someone who you don’t feel comfortable sharing everything with. If you need to vent, save it for a phone call or email. Don’t blast it out to all of your friends.

Here’s a fantastic place to network, connect with coworkers, and stay up on industry trends. This is a network that should stay 100% professional. That means you should probably avoid political rants, complaints about work or life, or anything else that could put your professional opportunities in jeopardy. If you wouldn’t say it comfortably in a job interview, don’t say it here. You should keep your LinkedIn updated just as much as you would a Facebook page though! Being active on LinkedIn will only lead to more opportunities.

What’s your favorite social network? Do you have any advice for those who post online a lot?

Image via Erin Kohlenberg/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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