5 Networking Posts You Have to Read Right Now

February 15, 2018

Career Advice

Over the years, we’ve incessantly written about the importance of networking–and we’re not stopping! This round-up of five networking posts are must-reads if you’re looking to take your career to the next level. Networking benefits both job seekers and those who are currently happy in their position. It can take months or years for the seeds you sow to pay off, so start planting them now! Hopefully these five posts will inspire you to get going.

The Difference Between Networking and Demanding
Learn how to get what you want in a way that benefits both you and the person you’re reaching out to.

Is that Networking Event Worth Your Time…or a Waste of It?
Every networking event isn’t created equal. These three questions can help you decide whether you should attend or not.

The Secret to Networking Success and Why it Works
Here’s a philosophy that may help you actually like networking–and get way more out of it than you ever dreamed.

Out of the Box Networking Strategies
Not all networking involves one-on-one conversations and in-person events. Learn other ways to expand your network.

Networking Tips for Those Who Hate Networking the Most
It’s true! Networking doesn’t have to be miserable. These tips can help you get over your fear or dread.

Image via Ivan Emelianov/Flickr. 

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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