3 Ways to Fit More Free Time Into Your Life

February 20, 2018

Career Advice

When’s the last time you had a weekend to yourself? One of the reasons we feel so stressed out is that our personal lives can be just as over-scheduled as our professional lives. So when do we recharge? Never? I don’t think so. It’s time to stop feeling guilty for “me time,” “down time,” and “free time.” It’s necessary for a happy and healthy life. These three mantras can help you take back your time!

  1. Just because you’re available doesn’t mean you have to say “yes.” 
    Got a free night? That doesn’t mean it’s an opportunity for someone else to claim. Take more control over your schedule by blocking off “me time” or “family time” on the calendar. It may make it easier for you to turn down an invite. Simply say that you have a prior commitment–because you do!
  2. Just because you have an hour doesn’t mean you have to fill it with chores.
    I’m sure there are a ton of things you need to do this week from grocery shopping to laundry to cleaning. But let go of perfectionism every now and then and simply enjoy the free time you have. Again, it may help to schedule a dedicated few hours at the end of the week or beginning of your week for your to-do list. That way you won’t feel tempted to fill every waking minute with sporadic errands and chores.
  3. Just because your to-do list isn’t done doesn’t mean you should stay up late. 
    At some point, you need to call it a night. Set a strict bedtime for yourself that includes an hour of downtime for reading, relaxing, and getting ready for bed. And follow it! Don’t let it waver–even when work or chores await! It will still be there tomorrow morning, and you’ll feel much more refreshed and productive with a good night of sleep.

Image via Susanne Nilsson/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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