The Recipe to Work-Life Balance Success

February 27, 2018

Career Advice

Feeling overwhelmed and overworked? It may be time to revisit a basic strategy for work-life balance success. Although that balance is difficult to achieve, the process is fairly simple. It’s a very simple recipe for success:

  1. Organization (a to-do list or agenda)
  2. Time Management (scheduling when you will get work done)
  3. Downtime (time to refresh, recharge, and relax)

So which part of this recipe are you missing? Which could you improve on or tweak to be more efficient? If you’re failing on the organization portion, spend time shopping around for to-do lists, agendas, and other organizational strategies like keeping notes on your phone or a digital calendar.

If time management is where you seem to fail, consider switching around your schedule. Can your nighttime workout be moved to the morning? Can your weekly meetings be changed to bi-weekly meetings? Do you find yourself more productive in the morning or in the evening? Really assess how you can be most effective in scheduling your time.

If downtime is missing from your recipe, schedule a mandatory commitment for an exercise class, a sports league, a photography class, or a volunteer session into your life. Not only will it ensure you find the balance you need, but it will also motive you to work more efficiently during the time you have.

Image via Murray Barnes/Flickr.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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