How to Get Organized at Work in the New Year

December 28, 2018

Career Advice

Looking to be more productive and less stressed in the new year? Take an afternoon to get organized–for real–at work. Clearing the clutter will not only help you look like you’re more in control. You’ll also feel more in control. And you’ll work more efficiently because of it.

  1. Get rid of it. The first step in getting organized is to simplify. Clear out the obvious clutter but go one step beyond that. When it comes to various office supplies and unimportant files, if you haven’t used it in a year get rid of it. Make this step a part of your monthly routine.
  2. Find a place for everything. The idea is that when everything has a perfect place, you’ll be able to put it back in that place every time. No more mess! And no more time spent stressing out about where things need to go. Instead, come up with a system that works for you and that you can realistically and easily follow.
  3. Don’t forget the digital stuff. Clear your desktop of the clutter. It’s okay to keep a current project folder or two in plain sight, but file away the rest. And be strategic about how you name your files as well as what you put inside of each one.
  4. Do the end-of-the-night clean-up. Before you leave the office, spend just five minutes tidying up both your digital and physical space. Your future self will thank you tomorrow morning.

Image via Mary Cullen/Flickr.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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