How to Make Sure Your Coworkers Don’t Hate Your Meetings

January 29, 2019

Career Advice

Ugh. Meetings. We can all agree that there are too many of them! It’s hard to, you know, get your work done when your day is filled with back-to-back engagements. In fact, too many meetings suffocate productivity and morale. It’s no fun to show up to a meeting and feel like your time would have been better spent elsewhere. Make sure that the meetings you host aren’t a cause of dread or stress for those who attend.

  1. State the purpose of the meeting.
    Open your meeting by describing why you’ve all gathered here at this moment. Why are you here, what will you be talking about, and, most importantly, why did you ask each of these people to attend? Describe whether you’re looking for feedback, approval, or ideas.
  2. Start–and end–the meeting on time.
    Respect everyone’s time by holding your meeting within the designated time frame. That means arriving on time and ending on time. Your coworkers have other commitments. Even when a topic may need more discussion, it’s best to give everyone the respect they deserve.
  3. Know when to call it. Don’t be afraid call a meeting short or schedule a follow-up when necessary. Some meetings are really effective and you’ve discussed a topic enough and can end early. Other times, you find yourself in the deep end. Instead of going over your scheduled time, set up a follow-up meeting.
  4. Don’t be afraid to cancel. If you have a standing weekly meeting, assess whether it’s really necessary today. Perhaps a quick email chain can suffice this week. Again know that everyone is pressed for time and your coworkers will much appreciate an additional 30 minutes added to their schedule.

Image via Gabriel Garcia Marengo/Flickr.

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Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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