Why You Need to Create a Bubble in Order to Get Things Done

May 2, 2019

Career Advice

Productivity seems like a constant uphill battle. We can start our day or week with the best intentions but somehow our master plan gets derailed. Major goals might get overcome by more pressing to-dos and me-time might get pushed to the side as we try to satisfy the requests and needs of others. By the end of the week, it’s easy to feel frustrated, not in control, and overwhelmed. You may often utter the phrase, “There’s just not enough time.”

One way to overcome this hamster wheel is to take better control of your time. You must create a bubble–a distraction-free zone for which you can accomplish those major goals you have for today or this week. We’re talking about ZERO distractions. Set yourself up for success. In order to create this bubble you might:

  • close or log out of your email
  • turn of your phone notifications
  • shut off the internet
  • block off time on your calendar
  • close your office door
  • put on headphones so coworkers won’t distract you
  • grab a coffee, a water, and a snack so you have everything you need
  • go to the bathroom first
  • set a timer on your phone or watch

Then…get to to work! When you’re in your bubble, it’s go-time. Time to focus on YOUR goals, YOUR priorities, and what matters to YOU today and this week in order to feel productive and happy. How do you create a distraction-free zone? Comment below!

Image via Rhett Maxwell/Flickr.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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