Are You Suffering From Burnout?

June 18, 2019

Career Advice

The World Health Organization has now officially classified “burnout” as an “occupational phenomenon.” This is important because it brings global awareness to an issue that can affect anyone in the workplace. It not only legitimizes the feelings of those who suffer from it, but also more clearly defines burnout so people can better identify it or try to avoid it.

So, what exactly is burnout? It’s a syndrome resulting from chronic stress in the workplace that has not been managed well. According to the WHO website, burnout includes:

  • “feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion”
  • “increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job”
  • “reduced professional efficacy”

As you can see from this definition, the symptoms are tied specifically to work, whereas something like depression or anxiety may affect all aspects of your daily life. Of course, everyone may feel the occasional sense of overwhelm, frustration, or anxiety during a work day. But the feelings surrounding burnout are chronic and long term. That relentless kind of stress and lack of confidence should not go unnoticed.

Image via Emilio Küffer/Flickr.

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