30+ Ways to Add More Happiness To Your Life

June 25, 2019

Career Advice

Summer is the perfect time to focus on the good feelings that so easily follow sunny days and warm nights. How can you incorporate those same feelings of joy into your every day? Here are just a handful of ideas that make your day great.

  • Walk away from your desk and take a 30 minute lunch break either alone (if that feels most fulfilling to you) or with someone else (if you feed off other’s energy).
  • Cut out habits that interrupt your sleep cycle like drinking caffeine, reading on your phone in bed, or working out too close to your bed time.
  • Start volunteering for an organization that means a lot to you.
  • Sign up for an exciting learning opportunity at work or outside of work that will increase your skills or knowledge.
  • Take a vacation day mid-week.
  • Get up 30 minutes earlier so you can prepare and eat a fulfilling breakfast.
  • Set an earlier bedtime.
  • Take an afternoon walk: outside, inside, on a treadmill, wherever! Just get moving during the afternoon slump.
  • Set a meal plan for the week (including breakfasts, lunches, and healthy snacks!) so your grocery shopping trip can be more efficient and purposeful, and you won’t be grabbing unhealthy food on the go.
  • Mentor a younger coworker or ask someone to become your mentor.
  • Book a much-needed vacation and completely unplug.
  • If you’re always missing deadlines, always write the deadline as one day earlier in your calendar.
  • Add a plant to your desk like one of these workspace friendly plants.
  • A good set of headphones and a cheery playlist can make or break any day.
  • Surround yourself with a few of your favorite pics of friends and family or from your favorite travels.
  • Stay motivated and on track with a vision board that keep you focused on your dreams and goals.
  • Bring a lamp to add a soft glow to your workplace.
  • Add in a mid-afternoon walk and you may be able to kick the caffeine habit and squeeze in daily exercise.
  • Get some exercise before or after work.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. Focus on yourself and your goals and accomplishments, and don’t size them up against those of your coworkers.
  • If you’re always late to work, set your alarm 30 minutes earlier.
  • Forgo the gossip. It’s ok to vent sometimes, but venting all the time just builds up a negative wall that’s hard to break down.
  • Choose gratitude. When things go wrong, think about what you’re thankful for. 
  • Hang out with positive people. Surround yourself with people who love to smile and laugh.
  • Don’t let the little details bog you down. Little frustrations, negative feedback, and unexpected challenges can easily dampen your spirit on a daily basis.
  • If you constantly deal with a low-battery phone, why not order a second charger for work and a third for your car?
  • Every day should be filled with a nice mix of friends, family, and you time as well as work and play. Find the perfect mix for you.
  • Start a journal.
  • Cut back on social media.
  • Instead of being jealous, start learning. Find inspiration in an idol’s career path or the bold steps they took to get where they want to be.
  • Not where you thought you were going to be? It doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen. Don’t give up. Having something to work toward is a wonderful thing.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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