Donating Cutter™Brand Hand Sanitizer to the Community

April 27, 2020

Inside Spectrum Brands

We continue to applaud our Home and Garden business unit for producing hand sanitizer in just two short weeks. After distributing the hand sanitizer to all 15 Spectrum Brands facilities and offices across the U.S., we turned to the community.

We’re proud to be able to give back to our community, especially in times of extreme need. We donated 5,000 bottles of hand sanitizer to our community partner St. Louis Area Foodbank, which will be distributed throughout their network and to individuals in need of assistance in St. Louis. See more about this donation on the local news.

We also donated a large portion of the initial run of Cutter™ Brand hand sanitizer to local communities like Noblesville, Indiana including the Noblesville Fire Deparment and the Noblesville Police Department. It’s an honor to help out our first responders in a small way. Thank you for all that you do!

Sean Raines, Senior Director of Marketing, delivered two cases of Cutter™ brand hand sanitizer to the NRVCS Montgomery Center in Blacksburg, Virginia earlier this week. He’s pictured here with Kara Clemons, Quality and Risk Management Lead for NRVCS.

NRVCS said in a tweet, “We are incredibly grateful for this generous donation from Spectrum Brands and appreciate their help in keeping our employees and clients safe. We are all in this together!”


We’re working on getting Cutter™ Brand hand sanitizer into the hands of our consumers. Stay safe, everyone!


About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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