Women in Science Series #1: Dr. Birgit Burg

March 15, 2021

Career Advice

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr Birgit Burg, Manager Global R&D Center Aquatics Care, to talk about her career journey, how we can support women and girls in this industry, and advice for women pursuing a path in science.

Tell me more about your career in science and what you do at Spectrum Brands.

I studied Chemistry and earned my doctorate (1988) at the Gerhard Mercator University in Duisburg, Germany. Following my studies, I held various positions as a chemist in product and process development at Henkel, a global consumer goods manufacturer. Since 2009, I have been working at Tetra as Head of Global R&D Aquatics Care with the main focus on the development of water care products for aquariums and garden ponds.

What attracted to you to a career in science?

There are a number of reasons, including curiosity and joy in experimenting while seeking and finding answers to (scientific) questions. Especially here I find it very interesting to develop models for prediction and calculation. I also enjoy working in a predominantly independent and creative way.

What do you love most about working in science?

The opportunity to investigate what was previously unknown and then finding solutions. The other key aspect is to formulate hypotheses and provide the corresponding evidence for them.

How can we support women and girls in science?

Of course there are many ways, but to me, the focus should be in creating new role models and mentoring programs for girls/women by women. It would also help to get more technical/scientific women into upper management and executive positions. Starting early would also contribute to this, so creating interests and encouraging girls at an early age/ at school would be key.

How has your science career grown at Spectrum Brands?

Coming from another consumer goods company, I joined Tetra as a department manager in 2009. One motivation for me was the opportunity to combine my professional background with personal interests: When developing water care products for aquariums and ponds, water chemistry plays a major role and this field was not only an important subject during my studies and in my former job but has always been interesting for me personally as I have had tropical aquariums for many years before. At the same time, I have been able to lead a small team of colleagues who have degrees in Biology/Chemistry. Together, we develop new and update existing products. And it’s always great to see a product you have helped create finally be launched, such as an improved, best known Tetra AquaSafe or Tetra FilterActive 2in1 – an innovative bacteria product which helps improve filter capacity and water parameters.

What is your best piece of advice for women who want to break into a science field?

From an educational perspective, a technical science degree forms the basis for a career in science. From a personal and personality perspective, you absolutely need to enjoy and be enthusiastic about this type of work and activity.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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