Women in Science Series #6: Cassandra Maktabi

May 21, 2021

Career Advice

Cassandra Maktabi
Senior Manager, New Product Development, Home & Personal Care
shares her experience as a mechanical engineer and how science shapes the way she views the world.

Tell me more about your career in science and what you do at Spectrum Brands.
I have a master’s in Mechanical Engineering from UW-Madison and I work on the fuzzy front end of product development at Spectrum Brands. My official role is Advanced New Product Development and I work with the NPD and Marketing teams to bring consumer insights into approachable innovation for all categories within HPC.  

What attracted to you to a career in science? What do you love most about working in science?
I remember in high school being told you are good in math and science…so go be an engineer. It was not super flashy, but with some school programs and internships, I learned the field would enable me to tackle big problems and make an impact on the world. Through science, I continued to learn the process of solving tough problems. How to make a hypothesis, then test it out and allow yourself to fail and learn. I can use those skills in any problem, whether its engineering, business or personal. I never feel stuck as long as I continue to tackle problems this way.

How can we support women and girls in science?
I remember the days of being in classes and I was the only female. At one time I even sported a look with glasses and dark hair to feel smart enough to fit in. For me it was a necessity to find others to push through the invisible fence of self-doubt. I guess for any future women in science finding others that help you and encourage you through school groups, mentors or community is really important.

How has your science career grown at Spectrum Brands?
I am less technical now than before, and I have not referenced my thermal dynamics books in some time, but I continue to use my problem-solving skills. Any new challenge that comes my way is a great way to fail fast and fail often to keep learning. 

What is your best piece of advice for women who want to break into a science field?
The science field can be exciting and even flashy. Science is not just a subject to be learned but a way to approach the world. What you learn in your career and studies creates a foundation for solving problems. So good luck, the work is worth the reward.

About Spectrum Brands Careers

Spectrum Brands is a global $5 Billion Consumer Products company headquartered in Middleton, Wisconsin. While you may not be familiar with the Spectrum Brands name, there is no doubt you will recognize some of our brands.

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